this way comes. Or least I think it's evil and it only comes if you fall for it. Whatever could I be talking about? Magazine Sweepstakes! That's right, you maybe sitting there thinking I'm a few bricks shy of a full load, but let me go into more detail and maybe you will get a better understanding of why I think Magazine Sweepstakes are evil.
One of the main reasons why I personally think Magazine Sweepstakes are evil is because most of the time, especially for a new comer to this hobby, it's very hard or tricky to see that they offer the signup page for the sweepstakes, and it's also a signup to order their magazine! Duping poor innocent people who only want to feel like a winner, into made to feel like a loser when the bill comes in. What? I don't remember ordering Redbook? (Or Martha Stewart, Allure, Lucky, Good Housekeeping, Better Homes and Gardens, etc, etc, etc)
But wait! Oh crap I did, did I? Sometimes when I get in a funk and I really want to get the prize train coming to my house faster, I like to enter sweepstakes that have a lot of prizes being offered. Well, unfortunately Magazines are one of the best ways to get that train started, in my opinion. However, you do need to be very careful when reading the entry page, to make sure that you are not agreeing to order a year (or two) of magazines from that particular company.
Why Magazine companies feel the need to do this, is beyond my true understanding. However, I have had one person explain what their personal thoughts were and I am incline to agree with them. As many of you are aware, print items are slowly going away like the dinosaurs. Newspapers, Magazines, etc. Well, one of the main ways a magazine makes money is not by the subscriptions that they sell, but rather by the revenues made by selling ad spaces in that magazines. That's the bread and butter of the whole thing. BUT they can't get top dollar for magazine ads, unless their subscription rate is high enough. So, one way to make it appear higher is to offer these sweepstakes and end up kind of tricking people into subscriptions. A lot of times people never even get in touch with them and let them know, because screw them because they screwed me. Or, they will either call the company and let them know an error was made, or they will write CANCEL on the first bill that shows up at their house. Regardless of what action you may take, it makes their subscription numbers look higher than what they really are.
I personally dislike this type of sweepstakes trickery. It's rude and crude and horrible on my pocketbook. So I thought I would take a few moments and let you guys (even if it is just my Dad) know that whenever you are entering a sweepstakes that is being hosted by a magazine subscription, please read the fine print very carefully. Redbook is my main gripe. BUT once you train your eyes to look for the link that they offer for you to enter without a purchase (Because by law, there is a No Purchase Necessary way to enter) it does get easier to enter.
I thought I would try and show you a screen shot (From Redbook of course) and also letting you know about a particular sweep that they are hosting right now, in case you may be interested in entering it. This particular promotion, Redbook is giving away (15) $100 Gas Cards.
This is the link for the 1st option, which if you don't look for the link to click to the "No Purchase Necessary" option, you will receive a Redbook magazine subscription.
Also, please note that you can not enter this promotion from this website. I am only using these as an example. If you are interested please feel free to go to their website, via the link I provided above and look for the link to take you to the No Purchase necessary form.
Example A:
As you can see there are two paragraphs above the entry form, along with a cover photo of the current month's Redbook magazine. Well on the second paragraph there is a link to take you to the No Purchase Necessary form. THAT's what you need to look for and learn to train your eyes and your brain, to go for whenever entering a magazine promotion, just to be on the safe side. The link actually says CLICK HERE. I tried entering the website link, that could directly take you to that form, but you have to click on the main page first, and then click it yourself. Once you do, you should see a photo looks similar if not exactly like this...
I hope this has been somewhat helpful. You just would not believe how many times I've ordered magazines by mistake and regretted it. In fact, I quit entering most magazine sweepstakes/promotions because of this. However, every now and then I find something that appeals to me, prize wise and I go back to it.
There is something that I've decided to do with all those magazines that's been delivered (I've been keeping them in a box) and that is to help me find photos to create a dream board. This is something of a craft project that sweepers sometimes do, and it's to help you visualize the prizes that you really want to win. Cars, Cash, Computers, Vacations, Jewelry, whatever.
I've never made one and I think I am going to finally do one very soon. Hopefully before the end of next week, so that I can look at it all year long. I am trying to be more positive in regards to entering sweepstakes and I think having a visual will help me stay on track and more motivated to keep entering.

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