for my second win this week. Remember my previous post, I believe it was yesterday, where I mentioned that I had won a pair of Jeans from a facebook sweepstakes and how sweepers are superstitious about if you won on a Monday, you should also have another win before the end of that week? Well I checked my regular post mail and I got another win!
"Congratulations! You are a winner in the Target Give & Get Sweepstakes". I won a $25 Target Gift card! Yeah Baby! I love Target. They are simply the best store and I choose them over Wally World almost any day.
This particular sweep ended back in Dec 2009. They gave out one Grand Prize (which I would have loved to have won as it was AVR of $ 10,000) and 1505 prizes for the $25 Gift Cards to Target. So lots of winners on this one. I only actually entered this one once, as it was only one entry per person. I love those! It makes the playing field a lot more fair.
So I guess I waited just a little more than 24 hours and I got my second win for 2010! I can only hope and pray that my winning continues for this new decade and I pray that I have a great year with my wins.
I actually thought when I looked at the envelope and felt the card inside, that it was a Credit Card from Target, cause I couldn't remember when my CC expires. So I almost didn't open it tonight. This is another good thing to point out to those who might be new to sweeping..always check your it's snail mail (as in actual letters you can hold in your hands) or even your emails. Cause you never really know until you check, that you could have a win on your hands! There have been plenty of times I've gotten stuff that I've almost thrown away, cause it looked like junk mail. This drives me nuts, wondering if I ever did throw away anything good.
Sometimes the judging agency or whoever holds the promotion informs the person who won, that their prize is on their way. Other times, you just never know. You could come home with a FED EX stuff to your door, with a check for a big prize. I know back in 2007 I won a contest from being on the Tony Danza Show and won $5000! Man what a rush that win was! (I will tell more about that in another post I'm sure). I really thought that they would send it registered mail, or something..Nope! It came by regular USPS in a plain white envelope. In a gift card from Disney who owns ABC (which is the company that sponsored the Tony Danza show/and that sweep) I mean anyone could have taken it. I am just glad that I got did that ever come in handy, when we were broke and stuff.
That's one of the reasons why I love this hobby. You never know what kind of surprises you might find or receive. I now have a $25 GC to one of my favorite stores, where I can buy almost anything. Food, Clothing, Medication, whatever I might need. It saves me money and if I combined it with coupons on a item that is also on sale, I reap even more rewards.
So now this makes me even more pumped to enter sweepstakes. I am trying something new this year, and that's to try and enter (snail mail wise) ten entries every day. I also hope to enter at least for an hour, online sweepstakes.
Cause you got to be in win it!

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