
Monday Monday

Well it's early Monday morning and I am not in bed, which is where I should be of course.  I went to bed early, yet kept tossing and turning.  I'm not quite sure why, as I had a very relaxing Sunday.  I spent the whole day entering sweepstakes!  My kind of a Sunday totally!

I have won a few things since I last posted, yet I have gotten in the bad habit of not keeping track of what those wins where.  Just off the top of my head...

$5.00 HEB Gift Card
A die-cast nascar car from a Tornado sponsored sweep (I have NO clue which one)
$200 Willy Wonka Gold Gift Card for candy! (who hoo..my butt's going to love that)
4 tickets to see Shrek the musical in Dallas (This was a local sweep that only went on for a week)

My daughter and I are really looking forward to going to see Shrek the musical!  It will mean for a late night for her, but sometimes when things like this pop up, I want her to get to experience these things, so I let her stay up a little later.  She a good student and I am so proud of her, so I am hoping that it's not too difficult to wake her up the next morning.

I've been busy today writing out snail mail sweeps but also mainly entering online sweepstakes.  I believe I have entered 100 sweeps today!  I really am hoping to win a really, really nice prize before this year is out, if possible.  I have been very blessed to win what I have and I am very grateful.  I guess I must sound like a greedy person by wanting more.  I guess it's just that when I receive a win or a win notice, it makes my day!  I like to share what I win, with those that I love as well.  So it's not only me that benefits from this hobby.

Among other news, I went last week for a Mammogram,  and if you believe in prayer please pray that everything comes back normal.  I always stress out when it's time for these things to get done, and I honestly wish I didn't.  Of course, I also stress out when I have the other "womanly" exam that needs to be done yearly, along with blood test.  I admit it now...I am a BIG baby! :)

In this past month, I have also had a wedding anniversary.  I've been married to DH for 9 years now! 

Of course, he forgot it was our anniversary, so that didn't go over too well..but I am over it now.  It was easy to let go of any anger and hurt feelings, as my DH broke his foot later on that night. (and no I didn't break it for forgetting our anniversary...ha ha ha)  He's still hurting from it and is hobbling around the house.  He seems to think that it would only take two weeks and then he would be right as rain.  NOT! Of course with him out of commission so to speak, I have been having to get up early to take our child to school each morning.  Since it's now the middle of October, the mornings are darker and much cooler.  Two things I hate!  I have never been a morning person, and it will never change.  So I am looking forward to when Stevie does get all better, so he can start taking our sweetpea back to school.  However, I will say that I do enjoy seeing my baby in the mornings and spending time with her as well.

My Saturday was fun, as it was time for our monthly local sweeper's meeting.  This month I was up to do a "promotion" for the group.  We actually had a small group this time, as several members were unable to attend.  I believe including myself we only had 11 members.  I *think* my promotion went over pretty good and to be honest, I am glad it's over.  I get all jittery when I have to get and talk in front of a lot of people.  This group has been good for me though, as it is getting easier.  I'm just not totally over it yet!

I am also looking forward to our groups yearly Christmas party.  We collect money each month from baskets that are put together by different members, and then raffled off. If we get $52 more next month, that means we will have $800 to spend on gift cards to give out to our members.  Who Hoo.  I believe we also decided to get Target and Wal-mart gift cards and if people want to trade afterward, then they can.  I personally love, love, love Target! Perhaps a little too much if you want to know the truth.  I should purchase stock options, as it seems like I am always spending money at that place!

Well, I guess I am off to enter a few more sweeps and then *try* to get some sleep.