
This is what I won?

Sometimes when you enter a sweepstakes, you can win a prize that might not be what you wanted or hoped to win. However, don't let that stop you from entering, if there is a prize that you do like, in the prize structure.

For example, let's say a big well known company was giving away an all expense paid trip to Australia for one week as a Grand Prize. The First Prizes consist of (10) flip mini cameras. Second prize is (50) stuffed Koala bears. Third prize is a (100) coupons off for their product. Well, you might not really want to go to Australia, because you either don't like to travel or have a fear of their big butt spiders they have over there. Yet, those flip mini cameras look pretty neat and a stuffed koala bear, you could give to your child or maybe you collect them. As far as a coupon goes, well it's money you don't have to spend, on that product, if you purchased it.

Well, some people don't enter, because they don't want the main prize, which is a trip. The truth is that you are more than likely won't win the grand prize, since there is only one of them being offered. So, with that in mind, if you win anything from the lower end, you might enjoy it.  However, if your name is in the drawing, then you have a chance to win, so please don't be discouraged by what I just wrote.  I am mainly talking about the odds of it all.

Also, most Grand Prizes that have a large ARV (Actual Retail Value) usually involved paperwork needing to be signed and even sometimes notarized. If you are fortunate to win something that you don't want, then politely decline. You don't get taxed for it, and the prize usually goes to the next person that they drawn.

The reason why I am bringing this up, is because today I got a huge envelope in the mail. In fact, this envelope was almost as big as I was it seemed! I knew it was too big to be an affy (affidavit), yet I still wondered what it could be. Well I thought I would start taking photo's of my wins, and sharing them on this blog.

My Big prize for February 24th, 2010

This is a poster from the New York Broadway Musical "101 Dalmatians".  Now I was actually wanting to win the grand prize which was:  4-day trip for 2 to New York incl. airfare, hotel, ground transfers, breakfast, dinner, 2 tickets to The 101 Dalmatians Musical on Broadway, 2-day NY Pass and $275 spending money.

Now they also offered several other lower prizes.  All ranging from 101 Dalmation branded jacket, free dog food, 101 Dalmatians Cast Album and hat and dog leash, T-shirts, Hats and posters. 

Yep, I won the lowest prize in that particular sweep.  But you know what?  I won something!  Because I took a few minutes out of my day, my name was in the running for a chance to go to New York.  Granted, I only won a $3.00 poster, but I still love seeing in my mailbox, or at my front door a possible great win.  Every day is a new chance to win and I love it!

Now my wonderful husband held up my poster, so I could take a picture of it for this blog.  Now, for those of you who might not know my husband, well  let's just say he likes to have fun. So I am also sharing a few photos of him goofing off for my camera.




My wonderful husband! :) Gotta love him.  Well you don't per say, but I love him.  Very much so!

Until next time!