
It's not as easy

as I thought it would be, to enter ten snail mail entries a day that is.  Like I've mentioned before, for this year I am trying to up my game a bit in regards to entering snail mail sweepstakes and figured I would enter at least ten snail mail sweeps each day when the mail went out, except for National Holidays of course. 

But you know what?  It's hard!  Snail mail sweeps are slowly disappearing and I hate that.  I understand why, since the internet makes it just so much easier and cheaper for the sponsor and whoever is involved with having a sweepstakes.

But I love printing my name and address over and over again.  I'm sick in the head I guess.

I've actually been working on my spreadsheet for my Sweepstakes Wins for 2010.  I came to the realization that all the wins for this year, have been won by only entering once!  This is just amazing to me, even though I do realize that it only takes one to win.  You can't win, if you're not in it!

So far, my family and I have won a total of ten sweepstakes/contest for 2010.  That's not a lot so far, and I am hoping to have that number increase.  We've also won by many different ways of entering. We've won by online sweepstakes, online instant wins, Twitter, Facebook, Game Pieces, Second Chance drawing and text entries.  You know how we haven't won?  By snail mail entries! Yep that right. It's making me wonder if I should rethink this whole thing, ya know?  BUT I am going to try and continue onward with it for at least until the end of June.  That means I've given it six months and hopefully I will have seen something from all my efforts.  If not, then I will not worry about making sure I hit the post office each and every day.

I have also worked on a template to share with those of you, who may be interested in keeping track of your wins as well.  You can find it by going here.  It's a Google document and it's actually my first time in sharing anything with Google docs.  I will say in advance that it's nothing spectacular, just a basic spreadsheet to help you remember what you've won and other important information regarding those wins.  My next spreadsheet that I will be working on, will be something to help me keep track and remember to enter Twitter Sweepstakes.

 I have all my entries made out for tomorrow and ready to go.  I am trying to get a little ahead and have entries made out for the following day, and at the moment, I only have eight entries for Tuesday.  However, I should be getting a new issue of Sweepsheet by sometime tonight.  I am hoping that I can find a few interesting sweepstakes to enter by snail mail and revive my interest.

Early this morning (since I couldn't sleep of course) I entered a few online/instant win sweepstakes and actually got this...

It's been awhile since I've seen a Congratulations on an instant win game.  My prize is a Mini Budweiser World Cup soccer ball!  Since my husband loves soccer Football, then it's kind of a neat prize.  I mainly entered this sweepstakes because the Grand Prize is a trip to South Africa for the World Cup this summer and I know my husband would love to go to that. So I will be keeping my fingers crossed that we win one of the ten prizes on this one.
Well, I guess I'm off to try and find two more snail mail sweepstakes to enter for Tuesday's mail day.