
Does your Mom Rock the Holidays?

I know my Mom does Even when she doesn't feel good, she tries very hard to make it a good one for her family.  My mom is getting older and it gets to be more challenging for her to do as much as she once did.  Yet she always tries so hard.

Well if you think your Mom rocks the Holidays, you are invited to share that with the good people of Rayovac.  They are having an online sweepstakes that only has two more days to enter.  It ends November 29th!  The prizes are:

(3) Grand Prizes:  $1,000
(20) Runner-Up Prizes:  Paper Jamz Guitar, amp, drum kit, guitar strap, and 2 Rayovac Alkaline AAA 24 packs

Good Luck!
Disclosure  Followers who promote the Rayovac Mom Rocks the Holidays Sweepstakes may receive gifts from Rayovac.”

Happy Thanksgiving

I thought I would take a moment today to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

At the moment, my daughter and I are at my parents place, celebrating with family.  We are having it a little different this year and having our dinner later this evening.  I know I am really looking forward to all the yummy foods.

This has been a good week as on Monday, I received an e-mail letting me know that I am a potential winner in the Visa I-Tunes Sweepstakes.  The prize is $1,000 I-Tunes Song Credits and a check for $250 to help pay taxes.  My daughter is really excited by this, as she loves music.  I also will enjoy it, as now I don't have to feel guilty downloading my GLEE music.  I admit it.  I am GLEEK! :)

I hope everyone stays safe and warm and enjoys the Holiday.

:) and :(

Well for some reason it's beginning to look like I only update this blog about once a month.  I'm not sure why, as I've won a few things in this last month, but I just guess a part of it has to do with my new computer that I have.  I went from a PC to a mac, and even though I love several things about my IMac, it's really actually a lot slower than my last PC.  This is extremely frustrating to me, as I am so ADD/ADHD in my internet/sweeping ways.

I usually have about ten or more windows open in Firefox, and even though I can do that on my I-Mac, I continue to get the spinning beach ball of death all the time.  It freezes everything for a short amount of time, and then I'm good to go..until the next SBBOD comes around, which usually is in about the next minute or so.  This is really starting to get on my nerves to be honest, and I don't enjoy being on the computer nearly as much.

So far this week has been nice in regards to the wins, even though they are small.  I also had a disappointment.  It seems I missed a phone call on my cell, telling me that I was a potential Grand Prize winner in a Coors Text Sweep and the prize was for a $100 GC.  I was suppose to call before 9 a.m. the next day, and I didn't get the message until after 4 p.m. the next day!  I went ahead and called and left a message with all the information that was requested and it would be so great if they still honored it, but I am not going to hold my breath on that one. So let this be a reminder....check your voice mail!

Tomorrow is the second Saturday in the month, and this means Local Sweeper's meeting.  This month we will once again have a small group, as about four or five members all won a text sweepstakes, and they are in NYC getting the opportunity to watch the Dallas Cowboy's play the New York Giants (I think it's the New York Giants...Can you tell I don't watch football? :)I so wish I was with them, even though I am not a football fan.  I do support the Dallas Cowboys, even if they are playing like crap this year, from what I've heard.  I haven't actually seen a game in years...but they are still the team I support in football!  Go Boys!

It's been exactly one year next week, when I was in NYC on the Gossip Girl Trip Win with my friend Belinda.  We both feel in love with that place and we feel hard!  I know I want to go back so badly!  I have been entering every sweepstakes that offers NYC trip as a prize.  In fact, I even went to Sephora on Thursday because they were offering a NYC prize in a promotion that was only open for three hours!  It was also only open to their VIB (Very Import Beauty Insider) members, which I am.  So I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed on that one!  I would imagine the odds on that one are good, because of only having a three hour window open to enter and also only being open to a select group doesn't hurt either.  The only negative about that night?  I spent *way* too much money on Benefit cosmetics!  I just love their make-up and I enjoy collecting the different sets that they come out with.

Here is a listing of this week's winnings:

  • Monday - Snail Mail Entry - Super Foods/FOOD CLUB MILK GADGET GIVEAWAY -Solar-powered Charger 
  • Tuesday - Local Online Entry - KXAS - Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest Ninetendo DS video game
  • Wednesday - Text Entry - Coors Lite (Can't find which sweep) $100 Gift Card (More than likely will not receive, because I called back past the time requested) 
  • Thursday: McDonald's Monopoly Online Game - 30 My Coke Rewards Points
  • Friday: I received in the mail $5.00 HEB Gift Card from an online restricted sweepstakes, as well as a $25 Home Depot Gift Card from turning in 500 My Coke Rewards points.

So basically not a bad week, except for not calling and possibly losing out on a $100 win, which still totally upsets me...oh well, on to the next one, right? I also need to remember to use some of the free food coupons I won from the McDonald's Monopoly game.  It ends on November 15th, so I only have a couple of days left to use them.  

The holidays will be upon us soon, and that usually means "Holiday Sweeps!"  Yeah!  I don't know why, but I love these kind of sweeps, as it puts me in the "Christmas" spirit.  So be on the look out for local sweepstakes, that also usually run during this time.  This could be anything from local drop boxes at your local grocery store/Mall, Local Radio Station call-ins,  and Newspapers. 

Well that's all I have for now.  I really should have kept better track of my sweepstakes winnings like I've done in the past in a spreadsheet, as it helps keeps me motivates when wins are slow.  I am totally doing that next year!

Monday Monday

Well it's early Monday morning and I am not in bed, which is where I should be of course.  I went to bed early, yet kept tossing and turning.  I'm not quite sure why, as I had a very relaxing Sunday.  I spent the whole day entering sweepstakes!  My kind of a Sunday totally!

I have won a few things since I last posted, yet I have gotten in the bad habit of not keeping track of what those wins where.  Just off the top of my head...

$5.00 HEB Gift Card
A die-cast nascar car from a Tornado sponsored sweep (I have NO clue which one)
$200 Willy Wonka Gold Gift Card for candy! (who butt's going to love that)
4 tickets to see Shrek the musical in Dallas (This was a local sweep that only went on for a week)

My daughter and I are really looking forward to going to see Shrek the musical!  It will mean for a late night for her, but sometimes when things like this pop up, I want her to get to experience these things, so I let her stay up a little later.  She a good student and I am so proud of her, so I am hoping that it's not too difficult to wake her up the next morning.

I've been busy today writing out snail mail sweeps but also mainly entering online sweepstakes.  I believe I have entered 100 sweeps today!  I really am hoping to win a really, really nice prize before this year is out, if possible.  I have been very blessed to win what I have and I am very grateful.  I guess I must sound like a greedy person by wanting more.  I guess it's just that when I receive a win or a win notice, it makes my day!  I like to share what I win, with those that I love as well.  So it's not only me that benefits from this hobby.

Among other news, I went last week for a Mammogram,  and if you believe in prayer please pray that everything comes back normal.  I always stress out when it's time for these things to get done, and I honestly wish I didn't.  Of course, I also stress out when I have the other "womanly" exam that needs to be done yearly, along with blood test.  I admit it now...I am a BIG baby! :)

In this past month, I have also had a wedding anniversary.  I've been married to DH for 9 years now! 

Of course, he forgot it was our anniversary, so that didn't go over too well..but I am over it now.  It was easy to let go of any anger and hurt feelings, as my DH broke his foot later on that night. (and no I didn't break it for forgetting our anniversary...ha ha ha)  He's still hurting from it and is hobbling around the house.  He seems to think that it would only take two weeks and then he would be right as rain.  NOT! Of course with him out of commission so to speak, I have been having to get up early to take our child to school each morning.  Since it's now the middle of October, the mornings are darker and much cooler.  Two things I hate!  I have never been a morning person, and it will never change.  So I am looking forward to when Stevie does get all better, so he can start taking our sweetpea back to school.  However, I will say that I do enjoy seeing my baby in the mornings and spending time with her as well.

My Saturday was fun, as it was time for our monthly local sweeper's meeting.  This month I was up to do a "promotion" for the group.  We actually had a small group this time, as several members were unable to attend.  I believe including myself we only had 11 members.  I *think* my promotion went over pretty good and to be honest, I am glad it's over.  I get all jittery when I have to get and talk in front of a lot of people.  This group has been good for me though, as it is getting easier.  I'm just not totally over it yet!

I am also looking forward to our groups yearly Christmas party.  We collect money each month from baskets that are put together by different members, and then raffled off. If we get $52 more next month, that means we will have $800 to spend on gift cards to give out to our members.  Who Hoo.  I believe we also decided to get Target and Wal-mart gift cards and if people want to trade afterward, then they can.  I personally love, love, love Target! Perhaps a little too much if you want to know the truth.  I should purchase stock options, as it seems like I am always spending money at that place!

Well, I guess I am off to enter a few more sweeps and then *try* to get some sleep. 

Convention Updates - Long

Well it's Saturday night and for the most part, the convention is about to wrap up. We have one session left, and that is for tomorrow morning for about three hours. I believe we have one more speaker and a few more prizes to be given away.

I truly enjoyed the speakers at this convention. I was amazed by a speaker that gave great details of a prize won from Mastercard, where she was given the opportunity to see the seven wonders of the world. She has been to places, where I know I wouldn't ever have the chance to go to, not because of bad luck, but because of having a disability and it would prove to be too challenging. Yet I was given the chance to see it through her photos and hear her experience, which was truly remarkable.

I got tips from Gwen Beauchamp about entering contest. She is also a remarkable lady and I can only hope to gain and retain the information which she so willingly shares with others about entering writing and cooking contest. Steve A'dolf also shared many great tips on entering sweepstakes and he has won over a 100 trip!

I wish I could share with you right now, all that I've learned on this trip. There is a gentleman by the name of Jeff Cosgrove that is making a video of the convention highlights and he will be offering it free to the people that attended this year's convention. I believe it a person did not attend, they can purchase a digital copy of it for a small price. If you've never been to a Sweepstakes Convention, consider buying one of these video's, as it's a wonderful way to get a little insight on what goes on. I can't wait to get my copy of this year's convention, as it will also include the speakers and their topics which they shared with us.

It's been busy this past week, what with attending sessions, visiting with old friends and making new ones. The time sure has flown by and I can't believe that I have been at this hotel for almost a week!

Tonight was the BIG night with the raffles. Not only do have great raffles with great prizes offered, but we also have a banquet, regular prizes in this sessions which are usually provided by donations, and also the vendor raffles. The banquet this year started earlier than I've ever remembered it starting. Even though that felt a little different, that's not a bad thing as these drawings and eating, can make for a long day.

The food this year was *really* good and both my husband and myself, enjoyed our meal. We started with a chicken and wild rice soup. It was really hot and kind of looked like something the cat left of the carpet, to be honest. I hesitated to eat it. Yet I think it was the best soup I've had in a really long time. In fact, I ate all of mine!

For our main course, we chicken breast, stuffed with mushrooms baked in a puffed pastry. It came with a nice rife pilaf and green beans. For once, I even ate some of those green beans. Usually at any type of banquet meal that I've ever been to, the veggies are not really to my liking, yet these were quite nice. Our meal also included a roll and butter.

For desssert we were given slices of cheesecake and chocolate cake. The chocolate cake was very rich and came with raspberries and blackberries on the side. I came close to taking my first bite of these berries, yet changed my mind. I'm very bad about not wanting to try new things. They smelled wonderful, yet after the taste of the rich chocolate cake, I didn't feel up to mixing a tart taste of berry in my mouth.

We were served coffee and had water at our table to enjoy with our meal. Now I'm not a coffee drinker, so my husband actually went down after dinner and brought me a coke. I drank water with my meal, and it's probably a good thing, as I never seem to drink enough of the H2O that God made.

When everyone was basically done with their meal, we had a Judy McCurdy as a speaker. Judy is an editor of Sweepstakes Newsletter, called Sweeping America! It really is a great newsletter, filled with snail mail sweeps. Judy is very entertaining and did a great job addressing all us sweepers.

After Judy's presentation, we were on our way to find out who the winners were going to be for that night. After a slow start, My husband won 500 pre-paid postcards! Who Hoo! Of course, they do all go to me, as I am the "Sweeper" in this family. The next drawing was for 1000 postcard stamps. My name was called! Who hoo again! I never really buy a lot of postcard stamps or USPS postcards, so I was very pleased with those two wins.

The next drawing was for 1000 first class stamps. My name was called yet again and I was tickled pink! The following drawing was for either the Minnesota Lottery Scratch off Tickets or for the $500 in Gift Cards! Well neither my husband, nor my name were drawing for the Lottery tickets. Yet someone I know pretty well, won 3 times on the Lottery ticket, and I am so pleased for him.

However, my husband's name was drawn for the $500 in Gift cards and also for $500 cash in the very last raffle drawing! You honestly couldn't have pushed me over with a feather with all of this! This has truly been a lucky year for us at a convention. The best every to be honest! Between the two of us, we won five out of six raffles! Now of course, we have not told our daughter that we won the cash, as she is very good at planning on how to spend that money. Especially since her birthday is coming up very soon. So Dad and Sissy...SSSHHHH! LOL This money will more than likely help pay the credit card that was used for this trip.

After the big raffles, there were names given out for the vendor raffles. The people that come to the convention and sell sweepstakes supplies, also have raffles which people can purchase tickets for. This year was no exception. In fact, I normally spend about $100 in raffle tickets for prizes given away by the vendors. I know my very first convention in Scottsdale, AZ the only prize I won was a vendor raffle, which was 100 postcards and 100 postcard stamps to go with them. Well, low and behold my name the last one drawn for an 8gb Ipod Touch! This is already going to my sister, as I had won a small ipod nano, which I gave to her yet it didn't work. So I had always promised her that the next Ipod anything would be hers! Hopefully she will get a lot of good use out of it!

That's pretty much a wrap up of all that's gone on, in the last couple of days. My husband and I, are both missing our daughter very much and are thinking about leaving a little earlier than we planned and going home. I am glad we came to this year's convention and Lord willing, we will get home safe and sound.

We have arrived!

Hello People!

Well my husband and I are at the hotel where the 2010 National Sweepstakers Convention is being held in Minnesota. We are actually staying at the same hotel where the 2000 LPA National Convention was held, which is the last LPA convention that I'd actually been to, and the only convention that my husband has ever been to. This hotel (Sheraton) is a great hotel and so far we are very pleased with everything that they have to offer. The food in the restaurant is a little over priced in my opinion, but we ate everything on our plate this afternoon. It was VERY tasty!

Stevie and I actually arrived late last night. We were on the road for almost 12 hours and by the time we got into our rooms, I was dead dog tired and all my muscles ached! Even though the beds are comfortable, the pillows were a little too big and I had a sore neck when I woke up. I'm glad we thought to bring a couple of our own pillows with us. I am hoping tonight is a little better in the sleeping department. But the showers here were nice and hot, which helped eased my muscles!

We haven't done too much today, as the sweepstakes convention doesn't really start until Thursday night and officially on Friday morning. We thought that we would do best, if we arrived early, so that we didn't have to rush and could relax before everything begins. I am glad we did too, as we got a good parking space as well as small fridge for our room.

I am planning on writing more about the convention while I am here, as well as take some photos. I also brought my little flip mini camcorder which I won, from the contest, which I am still hoping that people are remembering to vote for me.

We are also hoping to attend the Minnesota State Fair before we leave. I've only been to the state Fairs in Texas and I would love to see how they compare with another state. I am also hoping to take pictures if we make it out there too. Plus, from what I understand there are lot of opportunities to enter for prizes.

Tomorrow, Stevie and I are planning on finding the nearest post office, so that we can buy the stamps which are needed for the raffles, which are held on Saturday during the banquet. This year's raffles include:

First Class Stamps
Post Cards Stamps
USPS Postcards
Minnesota Lottery Scratch Off Tickets
Gift Cards

I will be sure and write and let everyone know if we win any of the raffles. Last year, I won 500 first class stamps. The year before, I won Stamps and Lottery Tickets. No big winner on the Lottery tickets, but wouldn't that be something, if someone here wins one of the big ones from a scratch off ticket? This year, I would love to win Cash or Gift Cards. I will be a "little" broke by the time we get home, but that's ok as this is Stevie's main vacation for the year.

Well, I think I am off to rest a little bit more and to try and enter a few more sweeps. I know that once the convention starts, there won't be much time for me to do it. I will be spending too much time talking to other people that share the love of this wonderful hobby, while my husband enjoys his Guinness!

Take Care Everyone


Thought I'd pop in

Hello everyone,

I thought I'd take a moment and write a little bit.  As far as my wins goes, I got a few to report.

2 movie tickets
Make up from Lord knows where
T-shirt from Facebook sweep
but my biggest win was from the sweep and even though it's not the big one from there (yet) I won the flip mini camercorder from the daily entry with the most votes.  So thank you so much for all your help, and hopefully you won't mind continuing voting for me.  I still would love to win the Grand Prize of $102,000!  and i know that with the help of family, friends, blog readers, and more, I could.  Anything is possible, is what I tell myself.

I am also no longer trying to enter 10 daily snail mail sweeps.  After seven months of it, I began to get burn out in this hobby, and I even started back on another interest of mine, which is playing World of Warcraft! (btw..I'm on Echo Isles if anyone is interested! LOL)  So now I am trying to get back into the swing of entering.  I think I needed the break to be honest.  Entering Sweepstakes should be fun...not a job!  I had begun to think of it as a Jobby (Job/Hobby) and to be honest, I don't need to do that.  I'm fortunate to have a situation where I don't NEED to win things, to have a good life.  All my wins are basically "gravy", so to speak.  Now of course, I do like to win, and I hope and pray a good one is just around the corner.  

At the moment, I am also trying to make arrangements for our yearly Sweepers Convention, which is in two weeks! I'm so excited to be honest, as I love to see all my friends that share in this wonderful hobby.  This year's it's in Minneapolis, MN and I am also looking forward to hopefully seeing the Mall of America as well as the State Fair!  There is nothing like Fair Food, is there? I wonder if I will be able to get my fried Oreo's?  Or Fried Twinkies?  Or Fried Reese's? (Do you see the theme here?)  Thank God the fair is only a once a year thing for most people and for myself, more like a once in ten year treat.  Otherwise, I am pretty sure I would end up with a heart attack at some point in the very near future.

In other news,  I've been out of sorts because I've changed my computer.  I admit it now...I am now a MAC user!  I went out and bought myself one of the new I-Mac's!  I still can't believe I did that, and I *am* slowly getting used to it.  The hardest part was trying to figure out my e-mails.  I entered all my information for my favorite e-mail, which is with G-mail.  This ended up being a HUGE mistake as it tried to download OVER a 160,000 emails! yeah, I basically froze my new Mac!  So I've had to make some changes and I now get all my gmail's and old e-mail accounts on my laptop, which I've had a few years.  It's now the only windows pc we have.  We gave my old computer to my Dad, and hopefully he is now using it to read this blog!  Hi Daddy! :)

Well that's all I can think of to write for now.  What about you guys?  Any wins?  Please feel free to share.  I love hearing about other people's wins, experiences, etc from this wonderful hobby.  One of the things that I am hoping to do while at the National Sweepstakes Convention, is take some photos of the decorated envelopes that are usually submitted for a contest that they have each year.  You will probably be amazed at some of the talent that goes into this.  I know I am each year.  I don't let it get me discouraged though, because most people don't go into that much detail when entering sweepstakes.  Mainly because some people don't want the judging agencies to think that they might be considered a *pro* in entering sweepstakes. 

Ta Ta For Now!

Hard At Work...or is it hardly working?

I'm wanted to take a moment and say Thank you for all those who have voted for me in the contest from  I sincerely appreciate it, and feel free to continue to vote until September 6th, 2010.  I am slowly moving up and I would love to win this thing.  But then who wouldn't love to win $100,000 right?

To find my entry for this contest, you would need to go HERE and look for Lisa Renea M. I am so hoping that I will eventually make it to the first page of Most Popular. 

Being in a voting contest is harder work, than you might think.  I am trying to repay favors, and vote for other people, in other voting contest.  I am posting in sweeping message boards, calling family and friends, posting on facebook and twitter, and other various activities, to hopefully get more votes.

And to think there are some people that do this a lot!  Some people have a real talent for contest, and to be honest, there is a better chance to win a contest, than perhaps a sweepstakes.  That's because most people look at a contest, and either don't bother with it, or think they will come back to enter it, yet they never do.  The pool of entrants are much smaller, so you odds of winning are much better.  I just wish for this particular contest, I had entered when it first started, instead of when I did.  But like the old saying goes..."Better late, than never".

At the moment, I am trying to update here on this little blog, enter sweepstakes online and through my cell phone, as well as taking care of various things around the house.  It's hard to do some of the things that need to be done, as my scooter is in serious need of being charged.  I really need to replace the battery on that thing, as I am having to charge it more and more frequently.

I am so grateful for having a device like my little scooter, as it makes getting around so much easier, as well as enjoying any trips I may go on, so I don't get all tuckered out.  But other times I feel so dejected, because my butt keeps getting bigger and bigger from the lack of exercise.  But whenever I try to do more, without my scooter, I end up hurting and then I get depressed.  I hate pain! 

One of the things that I am *trying* to do, is clean house.  Why am I in the "cleaning' mode?  Because we have Merry Maids coming.  Yep!  I'm cleaning the house for the maids.  It makes absolutely NO sense, what so ever, does it?  In fact, I personally think all of this cleaning for  the maids, is a serious sign of a sickness or something.  But at least once Merry Maids have come, cleaned and then leave, I will be left with somewhat of a nice looking home.  For at least two days I reckon.

In "Winning" News, I've been fortunate to have won $10 Conoco gas card in the ConocoPhillips-Gas for Life Sweepstakes last week, as well as a Team Lowe's Racing drink coozie from Lowe's® Ultimate Man Cave for Dad Contest.  I've added the link there, so you might want to check them out, if you haven't already.

I missed out yesterday, mailing my daily ten snail mail entries.  I'm a bit bummed out about it, but oh well.  (That's always been my motto, for not letting things get to me).  In today's mail I have twenty entries ready to go to the post office.  I'm trying to stay on top of it, but I am *really* longing for another wonderful trip win (NYC or Paris/London are my two top choices)  In fact, I keep dreaming that I am in New York.

Have you ever been on a trip which you've won from Sweepstakes or a Contest?  If so, please share where you went and where you would like to go to.  I would love to hear from more people that also share this wonderful hobby as I do. 

Last but not least, I am seriously thinking about having my own little promotion here.  Now a lot of sweepers don't like blog sweepstakes, as it usually takes a lot of time to enter.  Sometimes if feels like you have to jump through hoops to get entries into those drawings.  I think if I do have a giveaway, I want to make it as painless as possible.  I am trying to also think of what I could give away too.  If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment or write me an e-mail with suggestions.  I look forward to hearing from you.


What I get up to when I can't sleep

Well it's after 4 AM here and I am still awake.  What happens to me, when I don't go to sleep like normal people?  I go and look for and enter contest and sweepstakes.  Now that isn't bad, is it?  However, tonight I found one that is actually a voting contest.  

I normally stay far away from voting contest.  Mainly because they are just so dang hard to win.  The people that do win, are usually either college kids, who understand the whole twitter/facebook a lot better than I, as well as staying up with their friends and keep voting, well into the morning.  Then the other problem is that some techy person knows how to set up bots and rig it, so that they have the most votes.  This will usually get the person disqualified, however someone else has to bring it to the sponsors attention.  Plus, some sites don't really care, as they are thinking it's getting people to their sites and that's the main objective to them.

So I stay away from voting contest.  Except tonight.  I found a post on a local board that I belong to, and thought I would go ahead and enter it.  Mainly because the prize is fantastic.  The grand prize winner will recieve a check for $102,250 check.  This is so that the grand prize winner can take a vacation every year for the next 50 years.  Now granted, I seriouly doubt I will live to be 93..BUT I would travel so much more, if I had an amount like $102,250 in my checking account!

So I thought to myself after I entered this, how/what is the best way for me to get votes.  Cause the winner with the most votes win.  From what I've seen, you can't vote down someone else's entry, which I'm glad about.  That's when voting contest can turn real ugly, real quick. So I started thinking and I first posted my request for votes, by the method the website suggested, which was e-mails, facebook and twitter.  Now I don't have hundreds of friends that I coresspond thru emails with, nor do I have hundreds of friends on facebook, yet those friends have friends that I don't have, so I am also hoping that they will "share" this with their friends and on their facebook accounts. 

The other way that I thought I could get votes, is by asking for them in various sweepstakes message boards and forums.  That will hopefully bring in some votes.  Then I also remembered "DUH" I have a blog for goodness sakes!  So if you care to help this little sweeper/bloggie person, win a wonderful contest, that honestly would make a HUGE difference in my life, please check my entry out and vote for me.

The contest is being sponsored by and the web address is...

Just go to most recent and look for "Lisa Renea M"  At the moment, I am the most current, but that will you should be able to look for me by my name. 

This promotion actually ends on September 6, 2010 and I am sure you guys will get sick of me mentioning this.  So I am going to try and limit my request for votes on this blog, only at one a week..or maybe one every two weeks.

I am still trying to think of other ways to gather votes, and so far the only idea I've got is to take an ad out on Craig's list, but I'm not sure if that's allowed.  LOL.  I have no shame, do I? :)

btw...the photo on their site is a bit small, so I thought I would also post a bigger photo of it here, so that you can see me in my full glory!  The idea is to submit a photo of yourself, and why you need a vacation.  I personally feel like I need a vacation, so my eyes can return to normal from looking at my computer screen all the time.  Sadly, they didn't let us add comments to our entries, but I hope I get my point accross in my little pictures...I mean, it could happen right?

If anyone reading this has any ideas on how I can get votes for this contest, please please, pretty please send me an e-mail or submit a comment.  I honestly would appreciate it so very much!
Another thing I forgot to mention, is that there is a daily prize of a Flip camcorder for the people that vote, so think of it as an incentive to vote. 

On to other news....

Not much has been going on with me.  I actually got back from vacation with my daughter and my cousin Ricky.  We drove up to Fort Collins, Colorado and met some wonderful people in our guild on World of Warcraft.  We also drove all around Colorado and I now wish I lived there.  Especially during summer.  Texas heat and humidity is about to do me in.

While I was gone, my husband won a PS3 game, called backbreaker or something.  I have no clue.  We just bought a PS3 for my birthday and I don't play those kind of games.  I am more of a cutesy easy, looks more like a cartoon, gamer.  I actually want to get the new Toy Story game on the PS3.  I actually play more with my Wii than the PS3.  (I love Harvest Moon games)

Nothing else is going on with me.  Which is so totally boring.  That's probably why I haven't updated the blog that much.  I have won a few things, here and a facial mask and music downloads.  I know the next fun/big win is just around the corner.

Now I'm off to contemplate if I should take an ad out in our local newspaper, wear a T-shirt asking for votes or getting a magnetic sign to put on my car, asking for votes...See how desperate I am?  I really, really want to win this!



Back on the Wagon

That's how it feels to me anyways.  On May 25th, 2010 I forgot to mail my 10 snail mail entries.  I am so disappointed with myself.  I think mainly because my husband has told me he didn't think I would be able to follow through with that plan for the whole year.  It stinks that he was right!

The reason why I forgot to mail any snail mail sweeps that day was I had been feeling a bit under the weather and I ended up checking my blood sugar and it was on the high side.  (164 for a morning test) but I have read that being under stress and being sick can raise those numbers up.  Now, to my knowledge I am not a diabetic.  Both my parents are though, so it keeps me concerned enough to want to watch it as well as my diet.  I seriously don't want to have diabetes and it scares me.  So for a couple of days after May 25th, I just didn't worry about my sweepstaking hobby and tried to get to feeling better, which I admit that I am feeling much better, compared to a week or so ago.

I've gotten back on track with my snail mail entries as of June 1st and I am going to try and continue onward, as I truly want to have a good year with wins, if at all possible and Lord willing. 

Today is also the last day of school for my child and I will be picking her up in about an hour.  She asked me if I could please please please, get her out early, and I said I would consider it.  Yet the more I thought about how we now are going to have her home for the next 11 weeks, without school I figured a couple of more hours couldn't hurt her, right? :)  What can I say?  This little Momma wants access to her desk to do her sweeps.  Mimi tends to take over my desk, so that she can play her favorite pc activity, which is The Sims!  (2 is her favorite, but she also likes Sims 3) 

I am hoping to look for a desk for her this week-end, since I haven't been able to score any gift cards to office supply stores or furniture stores, so that I could buy her, her own desk.  This girl seriously needs her own desk/PC.  Whenever I do manage to get my space back, it's usually littered with cups, soda cans, crumbs, and wrappers of some kind of food left behind. 

So a quick question for anyone that might be reading this blog.  Am I the only person that gets frustrated when my spouse is right about something?  Probably just me, but dang I hate it that he so called *knew* I wouldn't be able to manage my goal for sweeping.  Oh well, he's my Lovie, so I guess I will keep him!

Much ado about ...Nothing

I really haven't had a lot of things to write about recently.  My sleeping is totally messed up (as always) and so my days and nights are switched.  At the moment, it's is almost 5 in the morning.  Am I up early?  Nope...I woke up at 11pm and I'm still up.

I am going to play around hopefully here, and add some photos from my trip to Vegas that my Sissy took me on.  I think part of my problem with updating this site, is that when I was in Vegas I came across a new addiction for me.  Benefit Cosmetics!

Before going to see the "Phantom of the Opera", I went to the Fashion Show Mall in Vegas, which was right across the street from our hotel, the Wynn!  My husband and I have been to Vegas so many times, I can't remember them all.  One of our favorite places to visit in Vegas happens to be the Fashion Show mall.

I thought I might get a little "pick me up" in regards to my face.  I didn't really want to hurry back to the hotel to actually apply my own make-up, so I ended up stopping off at the Benefit Cosmetic counter and OMG, let me just say I have seriously found my all time favorite make-up!

The lady that actually got my hooked on it, was named Shannon and she had the brightest PINK hair, I've ever seen.  It's looked like her real hair, so I don't know where in the heck she found that shade of Pink, but it worked for her!  She totally rocked the look and she was awesome!  She gave me loads of samples and I am hoping that my husband and I can go back to Vegas and I can run across her again, and tell her how much I love these cosmetics.

Anyhoo..Since I've been back from that trip, I've been re-finding my love of make-up.  When I became a Mom, I guess you could say I took a little break from my daily make-up routines.  Okay, a BIG break...more like ten years!  Sad isn't it?

So since finding these new cosmetic's, I have been also watching you-tube video's of how to apply make-up and how to correctly use these new products, which btw, I've invested my child's education funds into, so that this little mama looks and feels good about herself.  I don't feel too guilty, because my daughter is also now finding the love for these cosmetics and is also trying to snag them away from me.  In fact, I am now missing three products and will be asking about them in about an hour, when I wake her happy butt up for school, as to where they are.

So that's what I've been up to.  Trying to take some time out for me, to learn how to look and feel good about myself.   I am still entering my ten a day snail mail sweeps.  I was so worried that when I was on my last trip, that I wasn't going to actually keep up with my goal.  However, I made them all out in advance and put sticky notes on them, for my husband to mail off for me each day.  He is a trooper, let me tell you!

In fact, I occasionally make my entries up in advance.  At the moment, I am about a week ahead of myself, which is nice as I can take a little break from it all.  I love entering sweepstakes and I don't think that will ever change, but even I need to do something different, from time to time.

As far as wins, I think the latest things I've scored on is:

A 4 week Trial Membership to Blockbuster from "ampm Man Facts"
15 Pizza Cash Coupon from the "Huggies Enjoy the Ride" promotion
Ten (10) minutes of pre-paid telephone calling minutes!* by playing the " Colgate-Palmolive Mother's Day Instant Win Game".

and that's about it.  nothing too special to be honest, but it all counts...a win is a win, right?  I do wish I could win something a little bigger (I know it must sound greedy, huh?) but I would really love to go on a vacation with my family.  Either to Disney or England.  I haven't been to England in over 7 years and I am really missing it.  Of course, I wouldn't turn away any cash prizes either, as I could use it to bankroll my benefit addition! 

My First Twitter Party

was tonight!  It was Marshall & TJMaxx and it was kinda cool.  I still don't understand it all that much, as it  goes kind of fast.  The website that I used for this party was TweetChat.  There was several winners over the coarse of two hours.  I, however wasn't one of them.  But that's OK, cause I am still learning.  Going to TweetChat helped me keep track of all the tweets coming from the host and the guest.  The direct messages that came to me, from other guest, was in BOLD and made it easier to keep track, when someone spoke directly to me.

There is another place on the internet that does the same thing that TweetChat does.  It's called Tweet Grid.  I haven't used it yet, so I can't really comment on it.  But you might want to save both those websites, and consider using them, if you ever participate in a Twitter Party.  I thought tonight's party was fun and the time went by really quickly.  I believe it was for two hours, only I got in at the last hour of it. 

Have you ever participated in a twitter party?  If so, please share your thoughts and/or experience with it.  I am trying to learn more about twitter, cause it does seem to be one of the new ways to enter sweepstakes.

May's Sweepers Meeting

Well today is the second Saturday of the month, which means "Sweepers Meetings!"  I haven't been in several months (Actually this was my first meeting for this year..yikes!)  but I did enjoy myself today. I have been a member of this club for probably four or five years, but I've made many friends and I truly enjoy the comradeship of it all. 

Of course, it's always fun to participate in the drawings that we have.  In case you have never been to a sweeper's meeting in your area, here is a little bit of how our club does it, each month.  Most clubs follow a very similar pattern, I'm sure.  (If I've already written about local clubs, please forgive me.)

We meet once a month, in a local eatery, that has a separate dinning hall, that allows us to hold our meeting with a little bit of privacy.  The place that we go to, actually doesn't charge us to use this dinning hall, but does hope that we bring business to it, by eating their food and drink.  This usually isn't a probably, as we have our meeting during lunch time, and I would say about half of us, if not more, eats something.  They have really good food, so it's not hard at all to do.

We start our meeting around 1pm and it usually goes until 3pm.  That's how long we have our room booked for.  This same room is also used by other people for family reunions, other club meetings, or what have you.  I like this time of day, since I am *SO* not a morning person.  In fact, if it was later, it would only suit me better.  But then I am lazy.

We have five drawings each month, which you can enter.  You are not required to, but it is fun to participate.  The five drawings consist of: 5 decorated envelopes, five first class stamps (.44 cents at the moment), $1 lottery tickets, $1.00 for the cash drawing, and 5 Picture Postcards.  The limit that we have is one entry for everything, except for the lotto and the cash drawing.  Those are unlimited.

It all depends on how many people are in a club, as to how they split the pot up.  For us, we usually have two winners for each drawing.  The $1.00 lottery tickets and the $1.00 cash is actually drawn only one winner, and the other winner is the club.  The funds received from these two drawings, goes into our "pot" and is used for our Christmas party that we have at the end of the year.

Another thing that is done at our meetings is Promotions!  These are fun little games for our members, to win prizes.  Each month a different person hosts these promotions and sponsors the prizes.  We've played games like Bingo, guess the number of ??? in the jar (jellybeans, candy, whatever you want), Blackjack,  20 questions (we did this one today and it was a lot of fun, I must say) and so many more.  I must say, I am horrible at thinking of promotions.  I think it stems from my experience of low self esteem. ( I am still working on it, what I can I say?)

Something else that we are doing is creating Baskets.  They can be any size or theme.  We sell raffle tickets and then draw a winner from that.  I actually won one of this months baskets and I am thrilled with it.  The person that put it together is so good at putting these things together and I know I will get a lot of enjoyment from my prize (which included various sweeping supplies)  I might even take a photo of it, and share it with you guys.  It wasn't in a typical "basket" form, but something else, that I thought was very creative!

The money that is collected for these basket raffles, at this time is going towards the National Sweepers convention.  The National convention gives away TONS of prizes each year, and a lot of the prizes given away are actually given to the host, to giveaway.  Our group usually takes the money collected and purchase a visa gift card or two, and gives it away.  The National Convention always mentions who donated the prize, which I think is nice.

Another thing that our group does, which is nice is everyone donates something small to whoever is celebrating a birthday in that same month.  It can range from decorated envelopes, 3 x 5 papers/cards, stamps, candles, candy, and whatever use you can think of.   We had two birthdays this month and I think it's a really nice treat for the birthday person.

While we are at our meeting, we also share what we have won during the month since the last meeting, and we take turns and go around in a circle.  After wards we share other sweepstakes related news.  Weather it's a local mall drop box, or something seen in the paper.  We bring Official Entry Blanks to the meeting, if we find any and share those.  This is where some of us can find out new information.  We share tips or tricks on entering sweepstakes. 

Today has been such a beautiful day and I did enjoy myself.  Of course, winning my prize didn't hurt either! :) The only downside, is now I'm pooped!


Yep that's the word that comes into my mind, when I realize how long it's been since I've last written on this blog.  I can't believe that a month has almost passed and not one post from little old me.

What have I been up to, you may wonder?

Well, basically  I went on a trip win, with my sister (who I call Sissy..I know, I know.  Original, isn't it?) and have been back home for almost a week.  My Sissy actually won the trip last year from an online sweepstakes.  It was the only prize and it was a good one, if I do say so myself. (Which I just did.)

The prize included airfare, flight for two people, hotel stay for 5 nights/6 days at the Wynn (which is a swank hotel btw), up to $350 per person for show tickets, up to $300 per person for salon/spa services, a tour of the Hoover dam and a helicopter tour with champagne brunch at the Grand Canyon.  I don't think I've left anything out.  AVR $6,000!  Whoot!

Now we couldn't actually take the helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon, because my Sissy is also a little person, like myself.  Nowadays, no one wants to be liable when helping anyone on and/or off of helicopters, airplanes, whatever.  Now my Sissy could have taken anyone with her and if she had taken someone of average heights, who is more able bodied than myself, then it could have been more possible to have done this Grand Canyon tour.

In fact, for many years Sissy has said that if she ever won a trip to Vegas, she would take our Mom.  Mom loves Vegas as much as we do and it's been awhile since she's been out there. However, when Sissy won the trip, Mom wasn't feeling all that great and didn't think that she could handle all the walking that was likely on this trip.  So Sissy extended the invite to me.

Sissy talked with the company that handled the arrangements of the trip and let it be known that we were both disabled.  The company actually did great on most things and since we couldn't take advantage of the helicopter tour, we ended up getting another show added onto the itinerary and it was awesome!  They also changed the Hoover dam tour to one that included the Grand Canyon, so we wouldn't have to miss out on that.  I will go into more of how that went, later on.

So Sissy and I ended up seeing the Beatles "Love" by Cirque De Solei at the Mirage as well as Phantom of the Opera at the Venetian.  They were both really good shows.  I would probably have to say that I enjoyed the Phantom better.  Not sure why, but since we were on the second row, that might have had something to do with it.  But the music on both performances, where wonderful and thoroughly enjoyed.

I am hoping to upload some photos from our trip later on.  I do have a flickr account, and might add them there.  I'm still unsure of how to put them on here, without making it take forever for the page to load.  I'm still learning, what can I say?

At the moment, I am tying this on my laptop and it's acting weird . So I will go ahead and post this, so that maybe my readers, if I still have any, will know that I didn't drop off the face of the earth.  I am hoping to post again a lot sooner, than last time.  Maybe in 21 day instead of 24.

21st Annual National Sweepstakes Convention

Here's an article that I wanted to share with you guys.  What's interesting to me is I actually do know more than half of the people mentioned in this article.  I meet them through this wonderful hobby at a yearly convention for Sweepers.  This year's convention is being held in Bloomington, MN and is being coordinated by Bob Mendell, who is also mentioned in this article.

If you are  interested in learning more about the yearly sweepstaking convention, you can visit the website that Bob Mendell has put together for prices, information and other various things related to this.  This year's convention is being held right before/during Labor Day. I believe that usually the Sweeper's convention is held in June, however the prices for the hotel was better during Labor day this year, so that's when they decided to hold it.  I'm not particular, as I am disabled and I can pretty much pick up and leave for trips.  The only stinky part of it, it's also the same time of year when school starts.  So I have to figure out who's going to house sit and take my kid to school, while I'm off meeting old friends, renewing my interest in this wonderful hobby  and Lord willing, winning more stuff.  It's 3 days of fun for me.  I look forward to it every year.  

It's my intention to share some photo's from this coming year's convention on this blog.  I love to take photo's of the decorated envelopes (this is something that I will discuss at another time), my friends, my wins if there are any and I always hope and pray that there are, as well as photo's of the interesting area that we may be visiting for that particular year.  This year's convention also happens to be during the same time as the Minnesota State Fair!  I am also looking forward to going to that as well. MMMM Cotton Candy!  My favorite Fair Food, next to the corn dogs, and fried Twinkies and of course there's the...wait..we were talking about sweepstakes convention.

Then of course, there is also the Mall of America.  I've actually been there once before, for another convention.  I believe it was back in 2000, at the Little People of America's convention.  I'm not totally positive, but I think we are even staying at the same hotel! 

Anyhoo, I just lost some of what I've just written down and I hate it when it does that!  Ggrrr.
Oh well, basically I love the National Sweeper's conventions and I look forward to them each and every year.  In case you are unable to make this year's convention, the following year's convention is going to be held somewhere in Indiana (I believe)  I will admit, that I'm not sure if I will be able to make that one, as I have been to the last five conventions, but I would also hate missing out too. 

There is also another convention that I would love to go to, and that's a blogher's convention in NYC in August.  I won a trip to NYC and went last November, and I fell in love with New York!  My best friend went with me and we had a blast!  She is also a blogger and we are trying to see if we can go to that, if at all possible.

Of course, if I had enough money,  I would also be going to the LPA (Little People of America's) convention in July. Then of course there is also the Blizzard convention for my husband and I, who both play World of Warcraft.  I believe that convention is usually held in October, but I could be wrong. Man, I think I need intervention from all these conventions! or maybe find a convention for people that love to go to conventions?  Yep, I need intervention! Or win the lottery and then go to all the conventions, to my little heart's content!

Do you go to any conventions?  If so, which ones? 


Hoppy Easter!

I just wanted to pop on here for a moment and to wish everyone a wonderful Easter.  I will be back to posting in a day or so, as I've been caught up visiting with family and doing things with my daughter.

Today we went to a bowling alley for a friend's birthday party and tomorrow, we will hopefully be joining some friends for some Easter lunch and an Easter egg hunt for the kiddo's.  I am hoping to take some pictures with a new camera that I just won on April Fool's day of all day.  It's charging up now and I am hoping that it takes good pictures.  My favorite camera seems to be missing and I am hoping to run across it, as it is my personal favorite of any camera I've ever had.  But it will be fun playing around with this new toy. 

I won a Fuji Film Finepix Z70 camera from an online sweepstakes (Bloomingdale's Smile Sweepstakes). This particular sweepstakes you had to submit a photo or 60-second or less video of what makes you smile.  Even though it took a little more effort than just entering your usual information for a sweepstakes, it was a random draw.  They ended up giving away 264 of these cameras. So I just choose a funny photo of my husband.   Of course he wasn't all that happy about it, but I love this particular photo as it ALWAYS makes me smile to myself.  I even use this photo on my iphone, so that whenever he calls me, it pops up.

What can I say?  He's all mine! :)

Here is a couple of photo's of the new camera I got! 

On this particular sweepstakes, it was a 1 entry only  sweep too!  Whoot!

I had NO idea it was coming and that's a great thing about this hobby.  Anyday it could feel like Christmas or your birthday.  This camera looks to be a nice one too.  It's 12 MP and also has a 5x optical zoom with a 2.7 LCD screen on the back.  The only thing it doesn't have is a place where you put your eye and look at it through.  A view finder may be what it's referred to, but I am having a serious brain fart at the moment and can't think right.  I only got about five hours sleep last night and it's already after 10pm.  I have to get up bright and early tomorrow, to help the Easter bunny at Wal-mart.  (Sometimes I really slack off some of the mom duties and pay for it in other ways, like having to get up at the butt crack of dawn, so I can make my kid happy)

Anyhoo..I hope everyone is doing well and has a great Easter Sunday!

How far would you go for $25,000?

It's funny sometimes what we will do for money. But how far will we actually go?  Would you dig in the mud for keys to a new Jeep? Would you keep your hand on a car, to see if you would be the last person standing, to take away a huge prize? Would you eat 100 hot dogs in a short amount of time, to hopefully win $1000? What about $5,000? Do we have a price on doing things that most people wouldn't dream of doing?

The reason why I am bringing this up is because of an article that I came across, I believe on and thought I would share it with you guys.

Check out this great MSN Video: Brides nosh on cake for cash

Personally, I'm always up for a laugh and trying something new. As long as it isn't illegible or immoral.  However, I am not sure I could ever participate in an eating contest.  I have a strong feeling I would be the person that vomits all over the place, while someone records it and later puts it up on!  (I think I've mention this fear before now that I think about it.)

But it takes all kinds I guess and that's what makes this hobby so interesting to me.  There are many ways to win many different prizes.  They are as different as the people that enter them.  You never know until you try it, if you will like it.  Also, no guts no glory, eh?  Of course, after eating nine wedding cakes in that above contest, you would probably need  and end up with, a lot of guts, huh?

A pretty GRAND week for me!

In my previous post, I had mentioned that I had hopes that the week would be filled with more wins, as I had a win on Monday.  I've talked before about the superstition that sweepers seem to have with this in this post here.

Well, after winning two movie passes on Monday, I got an envelope in my mailbox, with a vitamin water coupon.  It was from a Facebook promotion with vitamin water.  I can't really remember this one, and maybe it's not even considered a win to some people, but free is free, right?  But that's not the only win I've had this week.

The next day, which was Wednesday I got a phone call, while on the phone with my sister.  It was actually kind of interesting as I had both my cell phone AND my home phone ring at the same time.  Now I've talked about how I am using Google Voice for my sweepstaking also in another post, which you can find here.  Well now I know another reason why I like Google Voice for this hobby.  Since I am only using this number for my sweepstakes entries, when they call me for a win (hopefully) it will send it to both phones, thus making them each ring.  If I am at home while this happens, it kind of gives me a little heads up so to speak, that the phone call coming in, is from a promotion/contest/sweepstakes.

So when I heard both phones ringing, I got a little tingle, and hoped filled my heart that I was going to be a winner at something.  Well, I can't give much detail YET, as I just want to make sure and double check that it all goes through, but I basically won a Grand Prize in a national sweepstakes, where I only entered one time through the mail and the prize is a $1000 American Express Gift Card!  ~WHOOT~

Talk about getting your blood pumping! This is the kind of wins I LOVE to get.  At the moment, money is really tight in our household, like I am sure it is for a lot of other people.  If everything goes well, and I am praying that it does, then this money will surly come in handy.  So if you can, please keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer that everything goes smoothly and I get this Gift Card quickly!

When everything is a done deal, I will post more information about this, as there is a bit of a funny back story to it.  :)  Later that day, after my winning phone call, I also got a soccer football delivered to me, that came from Budweiser.  Actually my husband won that, but it's neither here nor there, right? 

Then in today's email I got another win.  Although it is a much smaller win.  I was one of (100) first prize winners that won "The Ultimate Pet ID" value $20.

So for this week, I've already gotten 3-4 wins (depending upon how you look at it)  Either way, I can't wait to see if tomorrow brings in anything.  I am really hoping that it does, because that's what makes sweepstaking so much fun.  Also, this win that I got notified of on Wednesday is the biggest win that I've gotten this year and it also marks my second snail mail win!  

Nothing much happening on the home front.  My daughter is preparing for the Taks test (which I hate) and will be taking sometime in the first of April.  Easter will be upon us soon, and to be honest, I am not looking forward to it.  Easter was a time where we usually shared it with my Aunt Evie, who recently passed away back in January of this year.  We would go to her house to color Easter eggs, hide them and just have general family get together and eat and visit and Aunt Evie always made anyone and everyone feel welcomed.  It hurts knowing that she isn't going to be here.  On Easter, if I can I am going to see if I can find any old Easter photos that have my Aunt in them and share them here on Little Sweeper's Little Corner.  It makes me feel like she's still with us. 

But on a happier note, we have been invited to spend Easter with some sweeping friends of ours and I am looking forward to that, very much.  This couple is an amazing couple and I love them to death.  The lady, who has been involved in sweeping for many many years, is so interesting and also a wonderful cook.  She won $5000 in 2008's Pillsbury bake off, so you know she's got talent!  You can read more about her by going here.  Their names are Gwen and Robert.  They are very active with their own Sweepstakes Site, called

Man if I only could cook like her, it would be a wonderful thing! And then maybe my family and I would be healthier. Who knows, maybe sometime this summer, I might actually try cooking again.  Being short stature and trying to turn the oven on or off, without burning your boobs off, is a trick I still am learning.  I've actually caught my hair on fire once, so I'm not really one to want to try and catch anything else on fire.  But what can I least I was HOT once!

~Until next time~

Spring Break Updates

Well my little one (who isn't so little anymore, it seems) just recently had a week off of school for spring break.  I love spring and I am so glad that it's here.  Even though you couldn't tell that it was spring, as a couple of days ago we had SNOW!  I am just amazed by the weather here, cause where I live in Texas, we never really get that much snow and this is the most snow we have had in so many years and on the official day of spring, it snows!  Go figure.

So with my child being off of school, I felt that it was my Mommybird duty to give her some attention and make plans and keep them, and just enjoy being a Mom and a family.  So I didn't blog.  I missed it though and I should probably have checked in, as I was fortunate to have won several things from last week.

Starting with Sunday, March 12th through March 18, 2010 I won:
  • $50 Adidas Gift Card from a text sweep
  • Desperate Housewives Calendar - Online Sweep
  • $10 Dollar General gift card  - Online Sweep
  •  Trevor Hall CD - Online Sweep 
  • $100 Kroger Gift Card - FIRST SNAIL MAIL SWEEP WIN
  •  2 free movie pass - Local Online Sweep
and then in today's email I found out that I won
  • 2 MORE free movie pass - From a different Local Online Sweep
another Monday win, so I would love to think that the wins will continue to roll on in, this week too.

During Spring Break I also had a delivery from a win earlier this year.  I received A mini-helmet display case which is suppose to be worth $100!  Now I am not a sport memorabilia collector, so I am trading this with someone from my local sweeps club for sweepstakes supplies, which I do love!  The display case with the mini helmets did look nice though and I also thought I would share a photo of that win here today with you guys.

During spring break, we also had company.  My husband and I allowed our child to invite a friend to spend the night, which turned into two night (ah the joys of childhood) and then later in that week, we also had two cousins spend the night.  (However, we did learn our lesson and told our child that it would only be for one night).  I even surprised myself by taking my child and her friend out for brunch on Sunday at I-Hop, as well as to the park twice in one week.  We also rented several movies during this week, as my child was ssssoooo BORED this week, when her friends/family were not around.  I now have a new appreciation for teachers and year long schools.  I am seriously thinking about finding an all year school for my kid, as I am dreading this summer.  

I will not only be driven nuts by hearing how bored my kid is, but also will probably have to declare bankruptcy from trying to find things to do, to entertain her. And before anyone mentions, I do realize that I shouldn't have to entertain her so much or spend much to do it, as it makes a child spoiled. I just remember how long and lonely the summer was when I was between the ages of 11-12.   I was too old for toys, but too young for boys.  (Of course, I had my older sister to aggravate when I got really, really bored and alas my child doesn't have any siblings) I also know that bored teens/tweens tend to get into more trouble.  So it my hope for this summer to be filled with more activities than we usually do in the summer time.  Normally, we just veg out for three months in front of the computer/TV/grandma's house.  I just want something different this year.

What fun things do you like to do with your tween/teen?  I am thinking swimming, library's (Thank God my child loves to read), dollar movies, park, arts & crafts,and maybe throw in Six Flags, if it's possible, money wise.  I, of course, am also praying that I win things like Six Flags tickets,casa mañana tickets and things like that.  It always help financially during the summer, to entertain my child and also myself.  I don't know about anyone else, but I hate being stuck in the house all summer, even though I also admit, I hate getting out in the heat too.

One thing that I am hoping and praying that we get to do, before school is out is to go and see the musical Wicked.  It's coming to our area and my daughter and I so desperately want to see this.  I have a family member that went to the one in Chicago, and loved it! 

Well that's it for now.  I am hoping to get back into blogging more this week.  Maybe every other day or so.  I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the spring time weather.  Hopefully no more snow! (I can't believe I just wrote THAT)

Until Next Time


More Twitter Information

I just came across this article about how to use Twitter for entering contest and thought I would share it with you guys.  I'm in the middle of reading it myself and even I am hoping to learn something from it, and Lord willing, win something.  Click HERE to read more.

At the moment, I am personally feeling like crap!  I don't know if it's the weather or what, but my arthritis is flaring up big time, and add to the fact that every time I take my arthritis medication, my chest seems to "lock down" when I eat (I have terrible acid reflux, hital hernia and a narrow esophagus) and I end up throwing up, I just feel like death warmed over.

I also know that I am not eating as healthy as I need to, and that's one of the sucky things about being a little person who can't cook. You end up eating all the wrong kinds of foods and I am being a very poor example to my child and that always makes me feel worse.

I am hoping to feel better very soon, so that I can update this blog and get back to feeling bouncy and happy again.  I just wish my knee didn't feel like it's been hit with a baseball bat every time I lay down.  I've been told I have spinal stenosis (sp?) and  I don't have a doctor that can help me with that, so basically it's just a wait and pray that it will soon get a little better, more than anything else.

I will post again, hopefully when I feeling better.

Are You Game?

for trying out for game shows?  This is an area that I don't really get into.  Quite possibly because I don't tend to think quick on my feet, plus I honestly don't think TV producers or whoever is in charge of picking contestants, wants disabled people to be seen on their shows.  Even though Little People are getting more and better public attention than in previous years, you just don't see that many disabled/little people on Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune, etc.

The one game show that I've always wanted to be on was The Price is Right!  I don't know why, but it was just the one I remember with the most fondness as a child.  I loved Plinko and the possibility of winning a new car.  Plus the Showcase Showdown was great and exciting!  Now that Drew Carey is the host, I still think I would really enjoy being on that show.  However, I don't think anyone would see anything but the top of my head, trying to shout out bids when they called me to "Come On Down!"  Hopefully I wouldn't have a bad hair day that day.

Another game show that was watched quite regularly when my mema was alive was "Wheel of Fortune".  I like this show for the most part, but I'm just not that great at it.  I would love to be on it, however can you imagine a little person, like myself, leaning over to spin the wheel, falling head first and go around spinning and spinning in a circle and then throwing up on Pat Sajak?  That would live on forever on YouTube, I just know it!

Now my Dad, he loves Jepordy!  I personally hate that dang show for some reason.  I guess because I realize how little I truly listened in high school and how little I do know.  I only have two answers anytime I watch Jepordy.  It's either Abraham Lincoln or Gone with the Wind!  Yes I know that stupid,  but that's just me! :)  (But I was actually right one time!  Go figure.)

Now I also like Deal or No Deal.  I have no clue if that's even still on the air, but I liked Howie Mandel and they did actually have a little person on their program, so they get a gold star from me for that!

The only thing close to a game show that I've ever been on was something that was done on the Tony Danza Show.  He had a promotion on his show, called the Extravadanza or something like that.  You either entered online or through the mail and you had to list something that you felt like an expert on, in regards to trivia.  I entered a few times and I actually got called!  Man was that exciting.  I was on his second to last show before he got canceled.

My trivia was on Marilyn Monroe.  I don't know why, but I've always loved learning about her.  The question had to be answered in ten seconds.  My question was, "Marilyn Monroe was in two movies that had the name "business" in the title.  What where they?"  I thought my heart was gonna stop that day, but I answered in time and I answered correctly.  I won $5,000!  Man what a rush! I did however sound like a dork on the phone, but I didn't care at the time.  (BTW the answers were "No Business Like Show Business" and "Monkey Business")

One the reasons why I am bringing this up, is because an article was written on trying out for the Wheel of Fortune, by our local news station. You can find it here.  You might find it interesting and learn something from it, and maybe it can help you prepare for an audition sometime.  The auditions for our area has already passed, but they usually come around every other year or so. 

Have you ever tried out for a game show? Have you ever been on a game show?  If so, which one?  I would love to hear about your experience.  You can shoot me an email at  Or just leave a comment here, to share with everyone.

It's not as easy

as I thought it would be, to enter ten snail mail entries a day that is.  Like I've mentioned before, for this year I am trying to up my game a bit in regards to entering snail mail sweepstakes and figured I would enter at least ten snail mail sweeps each day when the mail went out, except for National Holidays of course. 

But you know what?  It's hard!  Snail mail sweeps are slowly disappearing and I hate that.  I understand why, since the internet makes it just so much easier and cheaper for the sponsor and whoever is involved with having a sweepstakes.

But I love printing my name and address over and over again.  I'm sick in the head I guess.

I've actually been working on my spreadsheet for my Sweepstakes Wins for 2010.  I came to the realization that all the wins for this year, have been won by only entering once!  This is just amazing to me, even though I do realize that it only takes one to win.  You can't win, if you're not in it!

So far, my family and I have won a total of ten sweepstakes/contest for 2010.  That's not a lot so far, and I am hoping to have that number increase.  We've also won by many different ways of entering. We've won by online sweepstakes, online instant wins, Twitter, Facebook, Game Pieces, Second Chance drawing and text entries.  You know how we haven't won?  By snail mail entries! Yep that right. It's making me wonder if I should rethink this whole thing, ya know?  BUT I am going to try and continue onward with it for at least until the end of June.  That means I've given it six months and hopefully I will have seen something from all my efforts.  If not, then I will not worry about making sure I hit the post office each and every day.

I have also worked on a template to share with those of you, who may be interested in keeping track of your wins as well.  You can find it by going here.  It's a Google document and it's actually my first time in sharing anything with Google docs.  I will say in advance that it's nothing spectacular, just a basic spreadsheet to help you remember what you've won and other important information regarding those wins.  My next spreadsheet that I will be working on, will be something to help me keep track and remember to enter Twitter Sweepstakes.

 I have all my entries made out for tomorrow and ready to go.  I am trying to get a little ahead and have entries made out for the following day, and at the moment, I only have eight entries for Tuesday.  However, I should be getting a new issue of Sweepsheet by sometime tonight.  I am hoping that I can find a few interesting sweepstakes to enter by snail mail and revive my interest.

Early this morning (since I couldn't sleep of course) I entered a few online/instant win sweepstakes and actually got this...

It's been awhile since I've seen a Congratulations on an instant win game.  My prize is a Mini Budweiser World Cup soccer ball!  Since my husband loves soccer Football, then it's kind of a neat prize.  I mainly entered this sweepstakes because the Grand Prize is a trip to South Africa for the World Cup this summer and I know my husband would love to go to that. So I will be keeping my fingers crossed that we win one of the ten prizes on this one.
Well, I guess I'm off to try and find two more snail mail sweepstakes to enter for Tuesday's mail day.

Wanna Get Cozi?

Okay, so my title to this entry is a little mmmm..interesting. LOL but it is relevant I promise.

I thought I would post something that could possibly help you in this hobby of Sweepstaking, or maybe just help you in general.  And I promise you it's nothing to do with Google.  (At least I don't think so.  But give them time,  as I am sure they will come up with something very similar)

What I am going to share with you guys today is something that I find helpful when I am trying to keep track of certain sweepstakes. There is a website that is basically an online calendar.  It's called Cozi Calendar.  This can come in handy to help you remember when sweepstakes either start or end.  As well as it can be set up to send you daily/weekly/monthly reminders to either your cell phone as a text msg or to your e-mail in-box, to remind you of whatever it is you don't want to forget.

I used to be a big Yahoo Calendar user, but for some reason, when I switched over to the computer that I am using now (which used to belong to my husband) I kept getting error message and would have to log out and then log back in again.  It really became a big pain in the butt and I got so frustrated, that I quit using it.  I don't remember how I found Cozi,  but quite possibly it was by doing a Google search. On Yahoo Calendar I would set it up, so I would know when to possibly enter a weekly or monthly sweepstakes, or remember when to be by the phone for any particular sweepstakes.  Example: in case Val-Pak called my house (They are well known for calling you once, and if you don't answer, they just move on without leaving you a phone message on your answering machine)  And that's basically what I do with Cozi, among other things.

Another neat feature of Cozi Calender is that you can set it up for family members. I believe you can have up to ten members on one account.  This is great to keep all the family's important dates and social activities all in one place.  It's also free, did I mention that?  You can make list and color code them as well.  You also are able to write down memories or "journal" your thoughts and even add photo's like a digital scrapbook.  I believe you can also share those thoughts with anyone you choose, however I don't do this, so I'm not too sure how well that works.

Right now Cozi is also having a sweepstakes!  So now would be a great time to join.  All the information is there on the front page, so feel free to check it out.  It doesn't run for much longer though, so don't dilly dally sally!  I believe their sweepstakes end either March 10th or March 11th, 2010.

I actually thought to mention it here, because I just went to my own cozi calendar to put in a date that I don't want to forget, which is the open house at my child's school.  (I have to have something to help me not forget these important parental activites).  Then I realized that other people might not actually know about cozi yet, so why not share it with others.

If you have another use for Cozi, that you would like to share here, please feel free to e-mail me at or submit a comment to share with everyone!

In other news with this "Little Sweeper", I got a text message on Friday that I was a grand prize winner of a sweepstakes.  It was a text message sweepstakes and it was with Coors Lite.  Even though I am not certain, I believe I  won a super bowl helmet collections.  They were actually giving away 100 of these as well as 100 first prizes of $100 Gift Cards.  I was kind of hoping for the $100 Gift Cards, since I don't collect any type of sports memoriabilla, but that's ok.  I am sure I can find a home for it.

In other non related sweepstakes news, I went to the movies today with my child and a couple of friends of ours. (Well, actually my daughter's friend and her friend's mother)  We saw Alice in Wonderland.  While it was an interesting movie, I guess I am just not a huge Tim Burton Fan.  We saw it in 3-D and unless my glasses were defective or I just didn't pay good enough attention, I really didn't see anything that made me go WOW!  I also honestly believe that whoever wrote the original story must have done some serious drugs during that time, as that story just kind of freaks me out a little!  And then when you add Tim Burton's vision of how he sees the Mad Hatter and other things in this story, well let's just say that it's probably a good thing I don't want to go to sleep just yet.

It's now almost 2 in the morning and I am still having trouble sleeping.  I do honestly hate being like this.  The only good thing is when it's late like this and I am all on my own, I can post to my blog and not be interupted as well as enter sweepstakes.  Which is what I am off to do now.

Until next Time!

Just had to share

A print screen of my biggest swag buck EVER!  The highest amount of swag bucks I've ever gotten before was $4.00.  Well this one beat it!


They just changed the web design of, and it's taken me a little bit to get used to it.  I am one of those people that does not like change.  (I don't know why that is, I just don't.)  I've recently turned in 90 Swagbucks that I've collected for two $5.00 Gift Certificates.  You can only turn in two at a time, per day.  I plan on turning in another 90 Swagbucks for two more $5.00 Gift Certificates, as I am wanting to purchase a couple of CD's for my little one, and since money is tight, this kind of makes it seem like I am getting the CD's for nothing.  Whoot!

(Edited to add:  I just found out that now, has changed some of the way their program works.  Now instead of winning 1 swagbuck, it's now worth 10 swagbucks.  So I guess I didn't get anything special after all.  But heck, at least I felt good! LOL.  Oh well.  It still is added to the pot, and will get to be spent on something, I'm sure. )

If for some reason I have any trouble getting my order processed  or anything with Swagbucks, I will be reporting about it here.  I feel that it would only be fair.  But I am also really hoping and praying that nothing does go wrong with it, as I love getting stuff like this.  

I haven't been working on much today, except for a few sweeps this morning.  I got my ten snail mail sweeps put together and my wonderful husband took them to the post office for me today, while I got a couple of hours sleep.  I suffer with insomnia extremely bad, and my sleeping hours are all over the place!  So I've just been too tired to really do anything much.  

Before writing all of this down now, I was just messing around with some of google's neat things that they offer people to use.  I honestly love Google for the most part, and would love to work for that company.  The only thing that concerns me is the fact that they seem like they are slowly becoming more and more like Microsoft and seem to be getting a monopoly on everything, in regards to technology and the other thing that concerns me is Google earth.  While I am intrigued by Google Earth, I really worry about privacy and how small the world is nowadays.  I will go more into that in another post, I'm sure.

BUT one of the features that Google has, that I love to use with my sweepstaking hobby is Google Voice!  At the moment, it's only used by people that get invites.  I am fortunate to have gotten one, as I had been a member of the company that they acquired, which was Grand Central. I actually forgot I signed up with Grand Central, until I received notice last year, that Google acquired them.

I am sure I won't be able to explain fully everything that Google Voice can do, but here are a few important features that they offer.
With Google Voice, you can also request a Google number and get some nifty additional features
Such as:
So for this year, I've decided that instead of putting my home number and cell phone number on all my entries for sweepstakes and contest, which can change at any time in my life, I would only put down my new Google number.  It came with a local area code, and I love the number as it was easy number for me to remember.  Now it no longer matters if I move, or have any other reason to change my phone numbers, my number for all my sweepstakes will never have to change. This is so great, especially when it comes time to move from one place to another and I don't want to miss any important phone calls.

I also love Google voice because you can also block unwanted callers too.  Like Telemarketers, per say?  Not that I've ever gotten any of course, as I am on the do not call list.  But you can bet you bottom dollar, that if I ever got a phone call from someone I did not want to speak to, then I could block it.  Plus when the person that calls that Google voice number, it rings all the numbers that I have linked to it.  At the moment, it rings both my home phone number and my cell phone number.  It is just *so* much easier to give this one number to anybody or anything, instead of my home, work, cell or whatever else numbers I have and I know I won't miss a call! 

Now at the moment Google Voice is only by invitation.  I have 2 invites left.  The first two people that leave a comment here, get's them.  First Come, First Serve!  Only one per person, per email, per IP address please. 

These invites are coming from me, and not anything to do with  I honestly believe that anyone that participates in entering sweepstakes, can use this to help them in their endevors.  I wasn't paid or compensated in any way for my opinions on Google Voice.  I truly love this service!